
Langston Hughes

Langston Hughes was born on February 1st, 1902, in Joplin, Missouri. His parents got divorced while he was at a young age and his father moved to Mexico. He was raised by his grandmother till the age of thirteen and then moved to Lincoln, Illinois to live with his mother and her new husband. Eventually the family moved to Cleveland, Ohio. Hughes also settled with his father, whom he dislike, in Mexico for 1 year during this time some of his greatest work was created. He attended Columbia University and was the only African American in his class and this greatly disappointed Hughes. Hughes greatly suffered racism because of his white lineage but he continued to write for blacks unlike other poets before him. He had a voice, and was a central figure in the Harlem Renaissance. As a writer he, more than any other black poet or writer, discussed nuances of black life and frustrations he states that his poetry is about "workers, roustabouts, and singers, and job hunters


In my 19 years of being alive I have had the great opportunity to travel a variety of places in the United States. Some of these places include Vermont, Florida, Delaware, Nevada, Arizona, Massachusetts and many more states. All of which are amazing to go to. I have been to some of these more than once because there is still so much to explore. My favorite being Sedona, Arizona, I have to say, every since I went there I view the world totally different from the way I used to. Having that life changing trip really inspired me to want to travel more and explore the world. I hope to go to places such as Greece, Italy, France, Australia and even Hawaii. I know that getting to go to every place on the map is nearly impossible due to many reasons, but I would like to get to go to as many as possible. Grand Canyon Fort Pierce FL

A little about me

Hello everyone, my name is Nick Tzanetos and I’m here to tell you a little about me. I am 19 years old and an only child. I was born and raised in a small town on the north shore of long island called Kings Park. I am currently employed and work part time in retail. On top of that I am a full-time student at Farmingdale State College, and I am a Criminal Justice major. Recently I joined my local fire department and it is something I really enjoy and love to do. I love learning new things every day especially if it has to do with something I enjoy. One thing that I love about where I live is that the water is less than a 5 minute drive and I can go down to the shore and take artistic photos which is one hobby that I have. I am also a big family guy and really love spending time with my family and close friends. I have an immense number of cousins with ages ranging from 3 to 35 and since everyone lives in a close range on the island, we spend a lot of time together. In fact a few of