Why Hughes

I chose Hughes because of his creativity, simplicity and humanity. I love to read passages and stories that can relate to what I believe in and what I think is important. Hughes really relates to his audience and I admire that in a writer his use of realism really makes a big impact on the story. For example with his popular fictional character Jesse B. Semple, later shortened to Simple in his book "Best of Simple", can relate to African Americans of that time. This is what he liked to do he wanted to honestly portray the joys and hardships of working-class black lives..
Image result for best of simple langston hughes

A reviewer for Black World commented on the popularity of Simple: “The people responded. Simple lived in a world they knew, suffered their pangs, experienced their joys, reasoned in their way, talked their talk, dreamed their dreams, laughed their laughs, voiced their fears—and all the while underneath, he affirmed the wisdom which anchored at the base of their lives.


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