Class Reflection

I have to say; English is not my cup of tea but after having Professor Candia this semester I have grown to like poetry and I learned how to pick apart the writing and interpret it. As well as refreshing my memory and relearning new literary elements. 
We covered many great writers including John KeatsWilliam Wordsworth, Robert Frost, John Updike, Ernest Hemingway, Shirley Jackson, Edgar Allan Poe, Emily Dickinson and Herman Melville. Two writers I really latched onto were in fact Langston Hughes and Herman Melville with his book Bartleby . All of which I have gained knowledge about because I have learned about them in class and have read some of their pieces for this class. 
In fact I used what I learned in this class to write a poem for a picture I took in my photography class. This class turned out to be great because I think I have begun to improve my writing due to all the different assignments assigned us in the past and I find myself becoming a more formal writer. It's been a pleasure, thank you professor. 


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